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Michigan Society of Anesthesiologists

Client: Michigan Society of Anesthesiologists

Agency: Resch Strategies

COVID-19 Heros

In the midst of the COVID-19 global pandemic, there was widespread celebration of frontline workers—specifically physicians and nurses. At the same time, executive orders from the governor allowed advanced nurse practitioners to intubate without physician supervision, threatening the safety of patients.


Michigan Society of Anesthesiologists is dedicated to the representation and advancement of the practice of anesthesiology by defining and advancing the standard of anesthesia care and supporting the practice of anesthesiology. MSA knew their membership was leading the airway teams across the state who were caring for the most critically ill patients in the ICUs and they wanted to develop a video to demonstrate that expertise.


Resch Strategies approached us to help tell the story of two anesthesiologists who, in caring for COVID patients, became gravely ill after contracting the virus. The video celebrates anesthesiologists as front-line heroes and educates the audience on the leadership they provide physician-led anesthesia teams.


The video ultimately won an award from the American Society of Anesthesiologists and was recognized for its demonstration of a successful program that seeks to benefit members in new and creative ways.

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